Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hill and Adamson

David Hill and Robert Adamson were partner photographers. Hill was a photographer and his partner Adamson was an engineer. They each created their own work and were introduced to one another later in their career. During the time that they spent together they made over three thousand photos. They photographed various things, including landscapes, architecture, and people. Their work is displayed all over, but there are several well known pieces in the Getty Museum. Sadly, their partnership was cut short when Hill unexpectedly past away. They are remembered for their extreme success and dexterity in handling the camera.

Henry Fox Talbot

Henry Fox Talbot was a British photographer. Talbot was well educated and grew up as an only child. He was very interested in politics and published his research in a number of books.  He is known for patenting commercial photography. Talbot was very intellectual and also invented and patented the calotype process. He felt the need to claim this process in order to compete with other artists of his era.

Louis Daguerre

Louis Daguerre was both an artist and a chemist. He began his career as an architect, went into theater and pursued painting. He is known for creating the first permanent photograph. He was responsible for astonishingly precise photography that was one-of-a-kind. Daguerre became partners with Niepce, another French artist. They became interested in each other because they believed they would be able to help each other achieve their goals. They eventually did, and created Daguerreotypes. These were usually portraits, that were taken using their new technology.

Nicéphore Niépce

Nicephor Neipce is recognized by the French as an inventor of photography. He produced the first known photograph to mankind. He grew up in a wealthy family with two brothers and a sister. He served in the military for a part of his life where he met his wife. Neipce experimented with several things including the camera obscure, lithography and silver chloride. He eventually led to bitumen which is also known as asphalt and found a solution. He had trouble tracing inverted images so that motivated him to find a way to avoid that and still photograph.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz is not only an amazing experienced photographer, but an enthusiastic mother to three. She has photographed so many people, from Kirsten Dunst to John Lennon. All of her photos were marked with a stamp. Her style was both purposeful and daring. Leibovitz had the ability to convey messages through her photos that told stories and persuaded people. As she learned to photograph she was always uncertain but authoritative and had a focus. She was asked, What is a photograph? She answered, "A life through a lens." Annie grew up in a family of eight. Her family became her stable unit, and as they traveled through the country, she would watch the world through the car window. That became her "frame." The camera was a part of her family as she grew up, and as she pursued her dream, the camera permanently became her life. Leibovitz began her career as a staff photographer for the "Rolling Stones" and her powerful photography smoothly guided her way to becoming who she is today. She is able to humanize photographs and make them really tell a full story. That is what my goal is in photography and why she is so unique.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Downtown Denver

This photo reminds me of an album cover.

This photo was cropped in order to keep the background bricks. It matches her shirt well and I really like it.

I made this photo black and white in order to eliminate the blow out from the bright light on her face.

The background of this photo is a reflection. I love the motion.

I like the simplicity of this photo.

Move-in day!

Thank you josh!! Best brother ever. He was a big help as far as carrying bags up and down the stairs, and assembling things in the dorm room.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today I went dorm shopping with my family. My high school days were finally over and college was becoming real! We made trips to Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, the container store, and more. It was such a long day. I was working off of four different lists to make sure I had everything and there were still things I ended up forgetting. This photo is on a corner in Cherry Creek. My brother and I are very close siblings so it was hard for us to separate as I moved out. I will really miss him.

First day

This is a picture of my dessert at dinner my first night in Denver. We went to a restaurant called "dessert". It was delicious. I have such a sweet tooth, so this place was perfect. When I saw this dessert, my mouth was watering and I knew I needed to have it. It was a nice occasion and celebration for making it to my new home. We splurged.  It was a nice place to have dinner with the family after a long day of traveling and delays.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Moving out

Today is the day I officially move out. I fly into Denver today and then I am moving into the dorms on Sunday. I have all of my bags packed up in this photo and I am finally ready to go. I have a so many emotions flying through me. I am excited, nervous, stressed, anxious. I can not wait to meet everyone! I am really looking forward to Sunday. These are just some of my suitcases, but this certainly shows how much I am packing. Too much. My family is traveling to Denver with me and they will help me move in. It is a bittersweet adjustment and I know that everything will go great. I am going to be exposed to so many new people and things and I get to experience it all in the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado.


This is Gadabout Salon and Spa. I got my first haircut here and my last one..until Thanksgiving break. The owners of this salon are our close family friends. We have grown up together, traveled together, and made so many fun memories. What girl doesn't value hair care? With the thick hair that I have, it is important that I get it regularly cut and taken care of. I will continue getting my haircut here with the same lady and obviously supporting this business. 

Puppy Sitting

These are the puppies that I took care of the week before I left for school. There was one 6 month old yellow labrador named Gracie and a 2 year old golden retriever named Puppie Millie. I am a dog lover and they were really fun to be with. I was doing my tennis coach a favor while he traveled to the East coast to watch his son play major league baseball. It was an easy job and I made some good spending money for college. It taught me more about responsibility and how important it is to respect the rules in someone else's home.

The Jeep

This was my first car! It is a dark green jeep liberty. I love this car. It was a perfect size and fit and a really easy car to learn how to drive. There is a sun roof on top that goes from the driver seat all the way back to the trunk. Now that I am leaving for school and my younger brother is turning 16, he will be driving the jeep around town. I will actually miss driving. Several people think of driving to be a pain, but I enjoy the peace and quiet of driving alone. I think it is relaxing and it gives me plenty of time to think. Now I will have to do my thinking as I walk around campus and to class. 

Goodbye Foothills!

This is my high school. I took this photo one afternoon when I went to pick up my brother at school. I have been taking care of him a lot lately because my parents needed some help with their busy schedules before we leave for Denver. This high school has so many memories for so many people. I loved high school. I am certainly ready to move on, but I loved all four years. I made friendships that will last a lifetime, just like the ones I will make in college. All of my friends have evolved into amazing people and I cannot wait to find out where everyone ends up in the future. It was a good school and some of the teachers really helped me create a good steady foundation of academic knowledge to begin college. 

Exercise anyone?

This is a photo of the gym I regularely go to. Every week I go into the gym with my younger brother and we take an hour personal training session. The trainer makes sure we isolate all of our muscles so our entire bodies stay strong. I make a huge effort to have physical fitness be a part of my life in my busy schedule. I have been attending a bootcamp class at Fort Lowell park this summer twice a week with a big group of mothers and daughters. The coach makes sure we work our hardest. It is a mixture of agility exercises, and both aerobic and anaerobic work. Over the years I have found that having a coach or trainer, makes your workouts significantly more effective. They keep you on track, focused, and safe. I will make sure that I continue keeping physical fitness in my daily routine at college. This way I can keep off the freshman 15!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

To my little brother..

Dear Josh,
You are the best little brother on earth. I am so lucky to have someone in my life that cares so much about me and is always looking out for me. For the most part, little brothers are pains, but you and I have always been best friends. You don't necessarily realize how close you are with your siblings, because they live in the same house as you. Once reality clicks in, you really being to understand and feel the deeper relationship you have with your brother or sister. You have two more years of high school and I think you have already begun to use my advice. It got me where I am today and I wish nothing less than that for you. I want the best for you. I cannot imagine something happening to my little brother. This picture is the perfect representation of our relationship. Look at how far we have come! We love each other and I will always be your big sister. I will be there for you no matter what, and you are always more than welcome to come to me with issues regarding anything! 
I love you so much,
I will miss you like crazy,


This is a photo of the new body glitter shimmer tattoos offered at Gadabout Salon and Spa. My mom and I got these done this afternoon, as celebration gifts. We were celebrating my departure for Colorado. I am really looking forward to the move. These temporary tattoos were a good way for us to spend some time together and a fun way to bond.  These tattoos also have a very meaningful significance. My very own loving mother is a strong and hardworking breast cancer survivor. This pink ribbon is a way for us to celebrate her victory as well.


This very court is where I learned to play tennis. I have been playing here since I was 8 years old and I have been enjoying my lessons ever since. My coach and I have developed a relationship over time so he knows how I learn and he has enough experience to teach in a way that makes sense. He shares stories and helpful hints that make the game more fun. I love winning points against him. He always pushes me to focus harder and do my best and he tries to motivate me to be a more competitive player. I am not a very competitive person in general, so it is hard to get me to be that way while playing a sport. But, when he pushes my buttons and makes me play harder, I feel more aggressive.