Sunday, November 13, 2011

Greek Life

This past weekend I was a part of my sororities initiation as a new member.  I would consider this to be a cultural event. As a new member you go through a process of ceremonies and rituals that make you initiated. They ask for your trust and friendship in order to become part of the sisterhood. These events happen all over the country for all sororities and fraternities in greek life. Although there are similar clubs and tribes in other countries that require initiations, they differ from greek life here in the United States.

A cultural event is unique to a specific culture or group of people. Initiation and the series of ceremonies required, are distinctive to the American culture. I was able to experience this cultural event with no background as to what it was all about. I learned a lot not only about my specific sorority but greek life and its ideals in general. I kept an open mind during the process and I have a higher level of respect for the process. It requires putting a lot of trust in people that you may not know as well as you should and gives you the opportunity to network and meet so many new people.

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