Sunday, August 28, 2011

my past

Even though I could not get a close up picture of this home, I can still get a visual. This is the house that I grew up in. I lived here from age three to age thirteen. I had my first pet here, I learned how to swim here, I broke my first bone in this house. This house has created a lot of memories for me that I will never forget. I remember playing whiffle ball in the grass outside, throwing Barney birthday parties for our friends and playing my first game of "horse." This is a very special place for me and as I leave the house I am living in now to head off to school, I think of all of the more memories I created here and it makes me smile.

My second brother

This is a silly picture taken on our way home from dinner. My real brother is in the middle and my second brother is driving. I have a second family. My second family consists of my best friend Emily, my second brother above named Nic, and my second mom and dad named Judy and John. I have grown up a part of their family since I was three years old. Both of my families and I went out to try the new Zinburger Sam Fox restaurant in town and we enjoyed burgers and milkshakes. Unfortunately, Emily had already left for college so it was just me and the boys, but we made sure to make her jealous of our gourmet meal. My second family will always be there for me just like my first, and I am so thankful to be a part of it.

A night out!

This is one of my close friends Aubrey. We met two years ago and became really close over that period of time. We get along so well. She will tell you it is because our horoscopes match up, (she is obsessed), but I think it is also because we have a lot in common. We have very similar lifestyles. We started hanging out when we went to our high school's basketball and football games to support our boyfriends. We both have goals to do well in school, and our families are a big part of our lives. This photo was taken at her boyfriends new house down by the University of Arizona. We spent the evening hanging out with old friends and saying goodbye to several of them as they head off to other schools. I will really miss her when it is my time to head off but until then...


I know I have lived in Tucson for all of my life, but I have not ever been in a city with just beautiful clouds.   We have these clouds over the mountains almost daily. I love the city I grew up in. There is so much natural beauty that we take for granted. I never found the desert to be anything spectacular until I visited Italy this past summer. We would talk to other tourists and locals around town and they would rave about their visits to the desert. Even though the desert appears to be "dead," it is a very unique environment that is equally as alive. I will really miss the desert while I am away in Denver but I know it will always be my home.


This is a Tucson summer monsoon in my backyard. Every summer from mid June to around mid August we get monsoons. Monsoons are super heavy thunderstorms. These storms are so pretty and are perfect for the desert. With the extreme heat we experience in the summers here, the monsoons are the only thing that help cool it off. I love the smell of rain and hearing it on the roof is soothing. The only downside about the monsoons is the humidity but it is all worth it when the next big rain hits. The lightening storms are like artwork in the sky and when the washes get flooded, you know your in monsoon season.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grandma and Papa

Both my grandparents and my family travel back and forth from Phoenix to Tucson regularly to visit each other. I and so fortunate to have both sets of my grandparents alive and well. As my brother and I grow up and as they get older, it is important to me that we stay close. I love my grandparents. This photo was taken outside Flemings steak house when they came down to visit. They spent the night at our house and it was a final goodbye before college. It is not likely that I will be seeing them again before I depart do Denver. I really value my grandparent's advice. I know that they have a lot of experience and I can seriously benefit from their suggestions. I am hoping they will be able to make a trip out to Denver in the near future. I know that my grandpa is busy as a full time doctor, but I will cross my fingers that they will come and visit me!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

an afternoon with my grandma

My grandma and I spent the afternoon shopping and enjoying lunch together. We went into JCrew and Francesca's, looking for some nice clothes to wear in Denver. She treated me to lunch at North, where we each had chicken caesar salads. This fly humored us as it continued to circle our table! We have so many fun memories together and I am so thankful she is able to be such a big part of my life. We ran errands to the grocery store and later I took my brother to her house to enjoy some homemade baked goods.

To my great grandma

Dear Great Grandma Jane,
     I know that we have met before, but I wanted to keep in touch and share with you how I have grown up. I am 18 years old now, and I just graduated from Catalina Foothills high school. This summer I have been working hard at a car dealership, learning some responsibility and some helpful customer service experience. I am a very busy girl, between tennis, work, preparing for the University of Denver, and spending time my friends. It is important that I make myself some time to relax!  As soon as college starts, I am going to look into becoming a part of the club team because I don’t want to give up tennis, but I know that the school team is a big commitment, and I don’t think that that is one of my priorities.
     There are so many things that I have done that I wish I could have shared with you. I have traveled through France, England, Spain and Italy with my family. I was a part of a volunteer organization with my mother throughout high school called National Charity League. I learned a lot about how diverse Tucson is and how you can really make a difference in people’s lives. I have learned so much from my grandparents and parents. I know how proud of us you would be.
I love you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pizza time

This photo was taken as evidence.  Evidence that I can make a pizza and be a chef. Last time we made pizzas at home, I was given a hard time for ripping the dough and misshaping it. This time, I made a perfect thin crust pizza. I was proud of my creation and I had to take a snapshot as proof. This is one of the fun dinners my mom prepares on a daily basis. This masterpiece was finished with a balsamic glaze, sausage, mozzarella and goat cheese, figs, and arugula.


Its time to wake up! Talk about a tight squeeze! When I spent the night in my best friends dorm room, we crammed into her twin bed. We were smashed against the wall so we would not fall off. Emily's roommate took this photo of us and we sent it to our parents. Her dad responded. " I love you both. Thx for the photo. You friendship is a treasure, enjoy it." He is right. When you have a friendship like this, it is important to savor it and never take any of it for granted. 

Mill Avenue

This photo was taken in Tempe near Arizona State University when I went to visit my best friend. We had a really nice day catching up. We went to lunch in Scottsdale with my grandparents, went shopping, checked out campus and the student union, we tried greek food, visited some old friends, and watched a comedian. Everything we did was so much fun. She has only been gone a week, but it felt like months. It is hard adjusting to everyone moving away. It was a perfect time to visit, right before I leave for school.

To the best people in the world

Dear Mom and Dad,
I want to start off by thanking you for the last eighteen years of my life.  You guys are the best parents I could ever ask for. You have provided me with more than just the basics. Not only do I get a family, shelter, and education, but I am also blessed with unconditional love. You guys have taught me how to be goal oriented, motivated, and optimistic. You both have high expectations of me and those push me to be the best I can be. I know that regardless of where I am, at college or in the real world, that you will always be there for me. I know I can rely on your support with anything including career choices and how to raise a family. I want you to know that I will come to you with any obstacles I may need help overcoming. I trust you with my life and I value your advice. I can see the differences in what you value in comparison to other families and parents we have close relationships with. I know that your intentions are nothing more than to keep me safe. Even though I did not see it at the time, when I made mistakes, my punishments have made learn helpful and important life lessons. I am grateful for everything you have done for me in my life.
Thank you Mom and Dad!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The new me.

Dear Rachel,
Look how you have changed! Five feet and eighteen years later look where you have made it. You are now off to the University of Denver to study spanish on your own and in the future hopefully pursue a career in medicine. I have so many mixed emotions as I start this new chapter of my life. I am sure you never expected to be where I am today but September 2nd, 2011, is the beginning of our new adventure. I have feelings of excitement, nervousness, and anxiety. I am really looking forward to being in a new environment and exploring a variety of things with an open mind. I am not looking forward to the work load, but what student really is? I know that as long as I perfect my time management skills, I will not have a problem. Fortunately, everyone will be in the same boat, as incoming freshman, so we should not have any major issues. As your best friends have been leaving for school, it has been a tough adjustment, but that makes the change all the more real. I know that even as my friends and I grow up, that we won't grow apart. I am planning on rushing for a sorority in September when I arrive, I want to pursue the club tennis team, and I cannot wait to visit the big city of Denver. There will be so many new things becoming a party of my life in less than a month. Wish me luck on the road to come!

To my best friend!

Dear Emily,
You are and always will be my best friend. Thank you for always being there for me. You and I have as special relationship. You are the sister I never had. We share friends, families, stories, vacations, and even our senior pictures. I know that we will not be attending the same school or be in the same state this fall, but I am sure that I will be speaking to you daily! We have already started this routine and you have only been gone for one week. We will be trying new things and I am still planning on calling you to tell you everything that happens. I have already started hearing about the fun things you have been up to: fraternity parties, luaus, and concerts. As we create new friendships and memories at school, we won't ever forget all of the ones we have made over the years. I will be putting all of your advice to use as soon as I get to school in September. I am looking forward to visiting you and I am counting on you to come and visit me in Denver. I am sure I will be hearing from you soon, but for now, I want to wish you good luck with everything! I want you to know that I will always be there for you even if I am far away, and I am confident that you will be successful and do great things at Arizona State University. Love you best friend!


Holmes Tuttle Ford is where I had my first full time job. I worked there the entire summer as a service cashier, lot attendant, and administrative assistant. I learned a lot about customer service and how a big company becomes successful. Learning customer service like this was a very beneficial experience before college because it taught me patience and how to keep and open mind. I was exposed to several different kinds of people which will only happen more in college. By watching my fellow colleagues, I further understood that as you meet new people, it is crucial that you don't offend them. Even if the offense was not intentional, it can be miscommunicated and have negative repercussions, especially in the workplace. Even though tomorrow is my last day, I made several new nice friends over the summer that I will hopefully stay in touch with, and overall, working here for Jim Click was a worth while experience.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tanque Verde Falls

Yesterday I spent my afternoon hiking up to Tanque Verde falls with one of my very close friends. We had a really fun adventure and we were mesmerized by the gorgeous scenery around us. We trucked through waist deep pools of water and climbed the smaller falls on our way up. It was such an accomplishment when we stepped onto the final rock to see the bigger waterfalls. The drop off was even bigger than I had expected and there was more water runoff that day then in any picture I had ever seen. It was my friend's idea to go on this hike and he led the way. He pushed me to keep going and had confidence in me to make it to the top! This picture not only shows us the beauty of nature, but also, the beauty of friendship. It reminds us how important it is to have strong relationships with the people around you. Those relationships will help you overcome and persevere through all kinds of difficult obstacles in life. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The time of day

This photo was taken from outside my kitchen window. The sun setting here means it is time for family dinner. Because of our busy schedules, we always make an effort to enjoy dinner together. Each of us have our assigned seats at the table and we all take part in the preparation. It is a special part of each day. As the seasons change the sun sets at different times of the day. During the majority of the summer we eat as the sun sets and we watch the clouds change as we make it through Tucson's monsoon season. Here you can clearly see the rain falling from the cloud in the distance.


This is my whoddle. Wilson. A whoodle is a mix between a wheaton terrier and a poodle. He is my fourth dog and replaced my golden retriever. Ruby, the golden retriever, suffered from lung cancer at a young age. She survived a leg amputation and had to adapt to life on three legs. It always was and still is essential for my family to have a dog at home. They provide us with a sense of comfort and happiness. Dogs listen well, keep you company, clean your dishes, and are our best friends. Wilson is always ready to play and full of energy. This photo was taken at the park after a long walk on a hot summer day. My dog gets walked twice a day and loves getting the opportunity to cool off in the swimming pool. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Never too late..

It's never to late to start the day over. True statement. I was doing some retail therapy after my best friends left for school when my dad pointed out this poster. It brightened my day and mad me realize how important it is to stay positive. There isn't anything holding you back from restarting your day. On that note, I took this advice and spent the remainder of my day enjoying a going away party and spending time with my friends.I saved this picture to my phone as a regular reminder. This is life long advice than can and will be used in a variety of situations.

Becoming yourself

Saguaro Cacti are indigenous to Arizona; just like me. This cactus and I have a lot in common. As we both grow up, our roots penetrate into the rich soil of our home town. We absorb, we adapt, we depend, on the nutrients from our environment. As we grow up we change and learn how to support not only ourselves but our branches. These branches represent our family, friends, education, religion, and other essentials.  This cactus makes me confident that I will become strong and successful in life and that as we change, regardless of the weather or city, we will never let go of our roots.