Monday, August 22, 2011

To the best people in the world

Dear Mom and Dad,
I want to start off by thanking you for the last eighteen years of my life.  You guys are the best parents I could ever ask for. You have provided me with more than just the basics. Not only do I get a family, shelter, and education, but I am also blessed with unconditional love. You guys have taught me how to be goal oriented, motivated, and optimistic. You both have high expectations of me and those push me to be the best I can be. I know that regardless of where I am, at college or in the real world, that you will always be there for me. I know I can rely on your support with anything including career choices and how to raise a family. I want you to know that I will come to you with any obstacles I may need help overcoming. I trust you with my life and I value your advice. I can see the differences in what you value in comparison to other families and parents we have close relationships with. I know that your intentions are nothing more than to keep me safe. Even though I did not see it at the time, when I made mistakes, my punishments have made learn helpful and important life lessons. I am grateful for everything you have done for me in my life.
Thank you Mom and Dad!

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