Thursday, August 18, 2011

To my best friend!

Dear Emily,
You are and always will be my best friend. Thank you for always being there for me. You and I have as special relationship. You are the sister I never had. We share friends, families, stories, vacations, and even our senior pictures. I know that we will not be attending the same school or be in the same state this fall, but I am sure that I will be speaking to you daily! We have already started this routine and you have only been gone for one week. We will be trying new things and I am still planning on calling you to tell you everything that happens. I have already started hearing about the fun things you have been up to: fraternity parties, luaus, and concerts. As we create new friendships and memories at school, we won't ever forget all of the ones we have made over the years. I will be putting all of your advice to use as soon as I get to school in September. I am looking forward to visiting you and I am counting on you to come and visit me in Denver. I am sure I will be hearing from you soon, but for now, I want to wish you good luck with everything! I want you to know that I will always be there for you even if I am far away, and I am confident that you will be successful and do great things at Arizona State University. Love you best friend!

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