Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tanque Verde Falls

Yesterday I spent my afternoon hiking up to Tanque Verde falls with one of my very close friends. We had a really fun adventure and we were mesmerized by the gorgeous scenery around us. We trucked through waist deep pools of water and climbed the smaller falls on our way up. It was such an accomplishment when we stepped onto the final rock to see the bigger waterfalls. The drop off was even bigger than I had expected and there was more water runoff that day then in any picture I had ever seen. It was my friend's idea to go on this hike and he led the way. He pushed me to keep going and had confidence in me to make it to the top! This picture not only shows us the beauty of nature, but also, the beauty of friendship. It reminds us how important it is to have strong relationships with the people around you. Those relationships will help you overcome and persevere through all kinds of difficult obstacles in life. 

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